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Timelinefirst: Johnk 01.05.2023last: admin 01.06.2023I'm putting this down as a bug because it was a problem with Dolphin as well. I seem to recall raising a workaround for this ... | 2 |
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Photos Won't Cropfirst: Johnk 12.12.2022last: admin 12.20.2022I'm calling this a bug, but a similar problem was originally in Dolphin.
If you set the Photos module to delete the or... | 20 |
Admin Logging in as Adminfirst: Geek_Girl 09.20.2022last: admin 09.20.2022I "logged in as" to a profile that was an admin so I could see the profile as the owner and I couldn't switch back. I had t... | 2 |
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Possible Privacy Bugfirst: Johnk 11.01.2021last: admin 11.05.2021This doesn't apply to anyone creating a public viewing site, but it should be reason for concern if you're running a Member'... | 9 |
Use of Full Namefirst: Johnk 10.28.2021last: Johnk 10.29.2021I changed the Member Display-Name to Full Name in Advanced Settings/Profile.
The site seems to be displaying the name ... | 7 |