Bug Reports
Installing modelsfirst: WillMonte 04.16.2020last: WillMonte 04.24.2020Probably the reason for this is due to missing files who knows, but i just wanted to give you a heads up. The following modul...
Creating albumsfirst: WillMonte 04.20.2020last: admin 04.22.2020This has to be a bug, when attempting to create an album and lets say you name the album ABC photos, upload photos, submit th...
FB button in recommend blockfirst: WillMonte 04.22.2020last: WillMonte 04.22.2020GM, so i'm testing the recommended buttons in the recommend block and noticed that when clicking on Twitter as well as pinter...
Missind "Add news & news home" iconsfirst: WillMonte 04.16.2020last: WillMonte 04.17.2020So i installed news mod, went to add a new news topic to test and observed 2 icons missing, 1 being add news and i believe ot...
Recommended buttonsfirst: WillMonte 04.16.2020last: WillMonte 04.16.2020I'm using FF as default browser however, when i opened my chrome browser to view/test, i observed that on chrome the recommen...
Issues uploading videosfirst: Geek_Girl 04.10.2020last: Geek_Girl 04.14.2020Hello, I am having issues uploading videos.  When I choose the multiloader the progress bar increases to a certain point and ...
Desktop Modulefirst: admin 04.10.2020last: WillMonte 04.10.2020The Desktop module in the cheetah beta 1 does not install. This was due to the fact it could not download the desktop.air fil...
Missing folders.first: admin 04.10.2020last: admin 04.10.2020I have discovered 4 or 5 modules in the Cheetah beta would not install. This was due to missing folders that did not get push...
Members count in home stats blockfirst: Geek_Girl 04.08.2020last: admin 04.08.2020I had a member to join and after activating the member the member number in the stats block is still showing one member.  Goi...
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