Asked in Category :: Messaging
Red notification on badge

Hello, does Cheetah plan to provide the red notification for badges that are saved on mobile screens? Please see picture for reference.

When and if cheetah provides a mobile app. Perhaps. But considering cheetah does not currently have a mobile app. No at this time.

Right now cheetah has to have old technology such as flash removed and replaced with modern technology and webrtc for voice and video instead of flash. I have to get Cheetah up to more current tech standards first. Hopefully by that time progressive web app tech which is what i prefer to use instead of mobile apps will be advanced enough to implement native app features.
Posted by admin on 03.26.2021 (03.26.2021)
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  •  admin: 

    Thats actually my mistake. I used the comments to answer. That is the incorrect way to answer the question. My mistake was i did not notice the Answer Question button. Seems i have done that on a couple of others as well. I believe the best choice is to make that button more prominent.

    1 point
  •  Geek_Girl: 

    The answers module is a bit confusing here.  I came in and saw no answers when there was an answer left in the comments section.  Perhaps move the comment section up under the answer sections.

    1 point
  •  admin: 

    When and if cheetah provides a mobile app. Perhaps. But considering cheetah does not currently have a mobile app. No at this time.

    Right now cheetah has to have old technology such as flash removed and replaced with modern technology and webrtc for voice and video instead of flash. I have to get Cheetah up to more current tech standards first. Hopefully by that time progressive web app tech which is what i prefer to use instead of mobile apps will be advanced enough to implement native app features.

     03.24.20211 replies1 replies 
    1 point