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Confused Icons


It's part of Cheetah. You can move the entire line from the bottom of the page to the top in Admin/Templates/Settings Default Position of Member Menu. My preference is the top.

Oh. Silly me. I did not realize it was the member bar.

My members are telling me things are back to normal so it could be that Anton's Home Page Carousel is incompatible.

It's part of Cheetah. You can move the entire line from the bottom of the page to the top in Admin/Templates/Settings Default Position of Member Menu. My preference is the top.

Normally featured photos are displayed in the featured photos block on the main photos page if that block was added to that page. It's the only place i have ever seen them.

Anyhow. I am confused by your screenshots as i don't know what that block is on the upper left side of your screen shots. It appears to be something that is not part of cheetah.

I removed Anton's module and "unfeatured" all the featured photos. The problem seems to have vanished.

I then featured one photo and it doesn't seem to be affecting anything. 

It looks like it's Anton's module causing the problem, but I'll do more tests. He's given me a mod where I can select random photos which have nothing to do with the Photo Gallery.  It will be interesting to see if those photos affect anything.

This seems to have something to do with the "Featured Photo" option, but it could also be a problem from a third party module. 

I've just installed Anton's Home Page Carousel and I've set it to display featured photos. I've also selected about 20 photos to appear on the home page. I've never used "Featured Photos" before and I've never experienced the following problem until now.

One of those featured photos is also appearing in one or more of the 1cm icon boxes as shown here.

In the above example, the icon on the top left is correct, but the one on the right is from one of my featured photos. This is not always the case, as can be seen in this screenshot from the next time I logged in:

In this case, both icons are the featured photo.

If I unfeature that photo, the icon changes to another featured photo. 

This next image is the Profile page. The icons may be of the member, or they may be the featured photo. The profile pic itself and all the 2m square icons always seem to be okay.

I'm not quite sure where to start here, but I think the best place would be to replace the files responsible for displaying the icons. Unfortunately, I don't know which ones they are.


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