On sex based sites it is used a lot; on other sites not so much.
Although Chat may be a good idea for some, a collegue who had a site with a thousand members never had one instance where two people were in the chat room at any given time. We ended up closing the feature down. On several other sites I'm on, the chat rooms are always full of people talking gibberish. Thus Chat is not high on my wish list.
On sex based sites it is used a lot; on other sites not so much. |
LOL. Too bad i don't have a large team like they do. I recently migrated a site from a Boonex Zarconia server to a server I maintain. The Zarconia server was a CentOS 6 and I installed CentOS 7. When I went to set up the Chat+ it would not work; when a person tried to log into the Chat+ server using the Boonex oauth connection it just went in circles. I kept trying to see what was the cause even thinking could it be the server OS version? What I eventually discovered was that I had installed the latest version of mongo DB and some difference between the version that Boonex tells you to install and the latest version of mongo DB prevented the Boonex oauth from properly connecting. I spent a month working on that Chat+ including going to the Rocket Chat forums and talking to their people (big waste of time). The error being reported was end of JSON input. Another shortcoming with Chat+ is the use of mongo DB. There is no real GUI to mongo (I tired installing one on a different server and that was a huge mess) so you have to shell in and do everything at the command line. There is no way in Chat+ to remove a chat room; once created it is there and working directly on the database means shelling in and invoking the mongo shell command line interface. Oh, and if you lock yourself out by removing the user-password form; there is no backend access for an admin; you have to start over. Hopefully the development team here will increase. |
LOL. Too bad i don't have a large team like they do. Yep, They pay 1,000 university graduates a goodly sum just to come up with these ideas, then they pay several thousand more to develop them. Most of us would have seen the movie "Social Network". These people are relentless. Although Chat may be a good idea for some, a collegue who had a site with a thousand members never had one instance where two people were in the chat room at any given time. We ended up closing the feature down. On several other sites I'm on, the chat rooms are always full of people talking gibberish. Thus Chat is not high on my wish list. |
LOL. Too bad i don't have a large team like they do. I hear you bro, baby steps Deano, i want Cheetah to blow up, but like everything in life baby steps and patience bro! |
LOL. Too bad i don't have a large team like they do. |
Yep, and it won't stop until Facebook rules the world. It certainly rules the Internet, with many older people using messenger instead of email, only because they're glued to facebook and don't know how to use email. At my club, the common phrase between members is "Facebook me". Sadly, the motivation behind this new chat technology has nothing to do with us poor people being locked at home as a result of Covid-19. It's all about money in the way of advertising - and greed!. Unless you have a niche clientele, your're pretty much stuffed now and we certainly can't expect the likes of Cheetah to ever compete, or even keep up with the pace. I have a real niche site but I can't attract members because everyone has their faces in facebook. Also, if your site doesn't look like facebook or work like facebook, then it's too hard to use. I looked at your link and I was completely confused. Not so younger people who will find it easier to use than a pencil sharpened at both ends. |
Please take a look, this is what's HOT right now https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/24/faceboo-launches-drop-in-video-chat-rooms-to-rival-houseparty/ |