Thanks Deano, that worked just fine and my members can now choose a template for the phone or for a PC, Mac or tablet.
I used your last suggestion.
Thanks Deano, that worked just fine and my members can now choose a template for the phone or for a PC, Mac or tablet. I used your last suggestion. |
Reason you see javascript void(0) is because it's a javascript popup. It's not a link to a page. In that popup are individual links to switch to each of the different templates. |
I'm still using the very old Dolphin Profile View, simply because I think it looks great: Boonex stopped using this style because it looks shocking on a mobile device. Cheetah has followed suit and rightly so. Being stubborn as I am, I've also created an additional template using the current theme so that mobile uses aren't compromised. However, for a mobile user to locate the template, they have to scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the mobile theme from the bottom menu. That isn't easy, because the link is on the right and they have to know to scroll across. I want to create a block which will appear on the top of the home page reading "Twiddle Box Users, please click this link!" Dammed if I can find the URL! When I hover over the link, all I get is Javascriptvoid (0). How do I find the URL's to allow members to choose a different template? |