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Link to Login on home page

Sorry for the delay, but my mind has been somewhere else for a few days.

This sort of works, but not perfectly. It seems that the code is intertwined with the splash. When the latter is removed,  the block changes and the login button goes to the far left. In my case, the block reverts back to my original image, which indicates I've put a bug in the CSS somewhere during my many experiments.

I actually overcame the login problem by creating a new page containing the login form and creating a block on the home page saying "Login - Members Only" with a link to that page. it works fine and the member doesn't have to make any extra hops to login.

Thus, from my perspective, I'm happy with the result and won't be trying to place the button on the home page any more.

This leads me to my last problem with the project. As it's a subject in its own right, I'll start a new thread.

Many thanks

Ok. Here is some updated code for the block.

<div class="ch-splash-actions ch-hide-when-logged-in">
    <div class="ch-splash-action ch-def-padding-sec-topbottom" style="text-align: center;"><button class="ch-btn" onclick="showPopupLoginForm(); return false;">Login</button></div>

Your code below was missing a closing </div> which is all i needed to do to fix it on my test site which now shows the block just fine.


I take that back. It may be centered on the block which yours is not, but in my case it's making the block wider which is messing up the second column.

I'll have to look into it. Most likely some css for the button will have to be overridden.


Unfortunately i am unable to duplicate the issue your having. The code you provided for the html block seems to work fine on a test site i put it on.

I've managed to get most of this to work after finding the forum post, converting to Cheetah and experimenting.  The button opens the popup and the popup works.

However, I'm unable to constrain the button which currently sits outside the block parameters. I need the button to be centered and inside the block.


The code I'm using inside the block is:

<div class="ch-splash-actions ch-hide-when-logged-in">

<div class="ch-splash-action ch-def-padding-sec-topbottom" style="text-align: center;"><button class="ch-btn"; onclick="showPopupLoginForm(); return false;">Login</button></div>


Laws are changing in Australia and I need to create a block with a button or a plain text link entitled "Login (Members Only)" which will take members to the login Popup. I can remove "Join Now from the popup, but I can't work out the code to access the login form itself.

The idea behind this is simple enough:

Members can click the link and login. 

Prospective members must go to an introduction page, read the rules, then sign up. I have that part organised.

Having said that, I think I'll eventually need to add a box for people to tick  when they've read the rules etc. If I recall, I have a code snippet prepared by Anton, but it may be something Cheetah may need to incorporate when international rules get tougher.

I saw the code snippet for the login on the boonex forum a few days ago, but I can't find it now.