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Thanks I will get it 


I just wondered if any one has been able to create a module that would cover the GDPR requirements

I just checked the marketplace in Boonex and I found this:

It is marked compatible with Dolphin 7.4.2 so should work with Cheetah.  It isn't very expensive.  You can use the converter under Developer Info to convert the module.

It would be nice if websites didn't pop these things up to visitors outside of the EU.  Most of them either force me to leave or force me to accept their bloody cookies; they rarely allow you to not accept the cookies.  If I really need to see the content, then I have to go through and remove the damn GDPR block so I can then see the  page.  

Hi NO not SSL its a cookies policy and opt in for users

We have this requirement in EU

As I don't get involved with sites involving the EU, I don't need to worry. I do have a "Disclosure or Privacy Statement for my own sites to meet Australian conditions and I was able to find those on the Internet. I'd imagine the same would be true for GDPR. Maybe do a search for GDPR policy Guidelines foe web sites.

You don't need a module for this, just add all the stuff to the Privacy section on the page footer (see privacy section on this site) and change the heading with a language key if you feel the need. I think I may have used the same mob as Deano.


Hi I just wondered if any one has been able to create a module that would cover the GDPR requirements  for Cheetah web site. I need to source one Thanks for your help 



Hi, do you mean something like a SSL?

Why do websites need an SSL certificate?

A website needs an SSL certificate in order to keep user data secure, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and gain user trust.


If that's the case you may want to look @ Let's Encrypt it's free, i use it on my site.

Hi I just wondered if any one has been able to create a module that would cover the GDPR requirements  for Cheetah web site. I need to source one Thanks for your help 

