Browse by Level - Intermediate
Items requiring approval are on the Dashboard, but they're not at the top. This tutorial puts them in the right place.
Categories: Cheetah 
12.24.2022 · From Johnk
The yellow keys give your members too much power. They can block out their entire profile to every other member and possibly cause havoc. They're easily removed.
Categories: Cheetah 
12.15.2022 · From Johnk
It looks like the BOTS have figured out how to bypass Google's "Tick" Recaptcha. I'm using the Day of Week or Friday Captcha and it seems to have fooled them.
Categories: Cheetah 
08.31.2020 · From Johnk
I am going to detail my walkthrough on how to create a module in Cheetah
Categories: Cheetah Modules 
08.15.2020 · From professorsr