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Something unique for timeline

Hi Deano, i'm just going to throw this out there.....i been thinking of what can be added to the timeline that's different from all other timelines. Something that gives users another function, but i can't come up with one, anyways maybe you, GG and future developers can come up with one, anyways i know ur busy as hell so no need to reply here. :)

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  •  Geek_Girl: 

    I have already posted about videos playing in the timeline (all is needed is to embed the video which I have done) and showing the full photo in the timeline.  Currently if you see where someone added a video to the timeline, you click and go off the timeline to the video page for that video.

     04.28.20211 replies1 replies 
    1 point
The city rolls!
04.28.2021 (04.28.2021)
1 votes