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Real Time Comments

Real Time Comments is nice; it allows discussion on a post; say a blog post, in real time between the members.  I implemented this in Dolphin on an older version.  I added a tick box so that real time comments could be paused because if there is a video embedded in the comments (if you allow that on your site) when the comment section refreshes, it restarts the video.  I meant to look at a way to auto pause the real time comments when a video is started but just never found the time.  Real Time Comments would be a nice improvement to Cheetah giving it something that other platforms already have.  Interaction between members is what keeps a site active.

See the following discussions over at Boonex:

You have to scroll down the page a bit.  Getting help with Real Time Comments from AlexT was like pulling hen's teeth.

The other part is to have comments expanded by default; which I also implemented and which was also almost impossible to get an answer from Boonex even though dozens of members requested it.


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  •  Geek_Girl: 
    Yes, I saw that with Dolphin but when the block refreshes, the comments fall back in proper order. That wasn't a big issue with my members, no one really complained that they needed that fixed.
    1 point
  •  admin: 
    Looking into this. Doing the comments in real time should not be to hard. The part i am having problems figuring out how to do is dealing with replys within a comment. Keeping those comments within other comments updated real time will not be a easy task.
    1 point
  •  WillMonte: 
    Yes, this would be a huge improvement
    0 points
Geeks know how to do it best.
02.16.2021 (02.16.2021)
1 votes