Sponsor Subscription
If you prefer to make a one time sponsorship payment then go to my PayPal.Me page instead. https://paypal.me/CheetahWSB?locale.x=en_US
NOTE: One time sponsorship payments do not earn site credits. If you prefer a monthly subscription instead, continue with a sponsor subscription below.
Purchase Sponsor Subscription.
Please Note: All purchases will appear on PayPal or credit card statements under my name of Dean Bassett or CheetahWSB.
Also Note: This is not a Cheetah license. Sponsorships and Licenses are two different things. If your looking to purchace a Cheetah license, go to the licenses section.

Sponsor subscriptions not only help with the development of Cheetah, but also allow you to earn credits each month equal to the subscription price that you can exchange for Cheetah permanent licenses.

There are 10 subscription options available ranging from $5.00 USD to $50.00 USD in $5.00 USD increments. Please select which one you prefer.
Sponsor Subscription Options